The Youth Café
The Cromarty Youth Café is managed by a volunteer committee chaired by Wanda Mackay and staffed by an Assistant Youth Worker, Fraser Thomson. They use two rooms at the back of the Hall, including a comfortable lounge area equipped with soft seating, video, computers, a new television, sound system, a brilliantly big bean bag and various games. The young people have access to activities in the main Hall as well as the adjoining kitchen area (with snacks + a tuckshop on sale) and toilets. The Cromarty Youth Café is managed by the Victoria Hall Management Committee on behalf of the Cromarty & District Community Council.
Cromarty Youth Café Committee
Chair: Wanda Mackay (Highlife Highland)
Vice-Chair: Vivienne Plampton (ex C&DCC)
Treasurer: Alan Plampton (C&DCC)
Member: Paige Shepherd (C&DCC)
The Cromarty Youth Café meets in the Victoria Hall on Wednesdays and some Mondays (except school holidays):
Junior Youth Café (P1–P6): 3pm – 5pm on Wednesdays (cost £1) All welcome
Senior Youth Café (P7+): 5pm – 7pm Wednesdays (cost £1) All welcome
Contact Wanda (07515 717011), if you are interested in any of them.
Cookwell Project Cromarty
Various dates from 5.00–7.00pm (contact Wanda for exact dates)
Boys and girls age 11–18 years
Various dates (rota each week)
Contact Wanda or Fraser if you are interested.
Here are some photos of the Youth Café in action.
![Decorating Photo Frames at Cromarty Junior Youth Café]( 1.jpg?r=10&maxwidth=800&maxheight=1400)
![Cromarty Cookwells Triple Chocolate Muffins](
![Making Delicious Meals at Cromarty Cookwell](
![Danny & His Cheese Scones](
![The Hockey Class run by Niamh](
![Bootylicious Dancing with Steve – How low can you go?](
![10 Hour Saltire Certificate](
![Outstanding Contribution](